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The legalization of cannabis brings with it many opportunities: medical opportunities for patients around the world, and also economic development opportunities for smallholder farmers in the global south. 



However, several barriers exist for smallholders participating. From licensing to selling, from planting to harvesting—acquiring the knowledge and inputs to make medical-quality product is often too costly for smallholders to afford, blocking them from participating in this industry.

 What if you could make
entering the cannabis
industry less costly while maintaining product quality ?

  • To grow quality cannabis, a higher level of control is required than with other crops. The adoption of innovative agricultural technology would result in higher quality product, and could also be used to provide greater yield stability for other crops.

  • The adoption of innovative agricultural technology would promote a shift would from climate vulnerable rain-fed agricultural practices to irrigation and drainage for better water conservation and control.


Fuenterra is on a mission to make rural business more profitable by leveling the cannabis playing field.

We envision a future where smallholder farmers in developing countries form an integral part of the cannabis supply chain.

Through knowledge transfer and production chain streamlining, our team—made up of cannabis pioneers and experts—aims to prop up the small grower and help write the rules for a more equitable and sustainable industry.

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